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Messy and Masterful

Apr 28, 2022

Many firsts in this episode as Aldo speaks for the first time to two sports professionals who also happen to be married. 

Laura Beveridge is a rising star in the Professional Golf Rankings. We speak to Laura and her husband/ coach Keil Beveridge what the life of a Golf Pro is like.
A life with many (many) travels, lots...

Apr 21, 2022

Aldo speaks to the Cameroonian Peace Advocate Sharon Epie who voices the needs & wishes of the next generation in her country. A nation that is tainted by its ongoing Civil War.  
Sharon is a Youth Advocate invited by Education Above All and the United Nations to speak on behalf of her peers. 

She speaks about how her...

Apr 14, 2022

We dive into the Ocean for this Episode and speak to Dr. Bee Berx, an Oceanographer working for the Scottish government. 
Dr Berx takes Aldo on a journey under the sea and speaks about why we need the Ocean to keep life on our planet intact. 

Find out more about Dr. Bee Berx here: 

Apr 7, 2022

Aldo speaks to Erion Isufi, founder of ThinkTech. Erion is an Albanian business man and marketeer who speaks passionately about the future of his country and how technology can play a pivotal role in its economic growth; a deep conversation about technology, entrepreneurship, the country of Albania and...