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Messy and Masterful

Nov 18, 2021

Episode 24: Alden Mills: The Navy SEAL

In this last Interview (not last Episode) of Season 1, Aldo speaks to Alden Mills who had the stamina and physical strength to become a Navy SEAL. Alden explains how his life in this elite squad of the US Navy gave him the skills and insights to start and grow a company to one of the fastest growing consumer businesses in the USA. A profound look behind the scenes in a life of rigor and discipline.

Guest Introduction: 

When I first heard about the journey of my next guest I thought it would be best to get my act together and brush up on my knowledge on all things army,  the US Navy, high endurance, iron resolve and incredible physical stamina -  personal features required to join the famous elite team of US Navy SEALS in which Alden Mills absolutely excelled being promoted not one, not two but three times as a platoon commander. 

But when taking a closer look at Alden’s journey as a Navy SEAL and after that as a hyper-  successful fitness entrepreneur leading one of the fastest growing consumer companies in the United States  - you notice that his message strikes a very different tone. 

Rather than talking about his own success he is not afraid to disclose his failures, adversities and doubts. Other than cultivating an iron discipline, Alden pleads for all of us to first grow an impeccable relationship between our heads and our hearts. A framework needed for all of us to become ‘Unstoppable’ - a recurring theme in the two books that my guest wrote; “Be Unstoppable: The 8 Essential Actions to Succeed at Anything”  and “Unstoppable Teams: The 4 Essential Actions of High Performance Leadership”.  

The passion, enthusiasm of this goal-getter is contagious and made me very much think about the mark that I wanted to make on this world. Alden himself speaks passionately about this in a TED talk he held at the business school IESE in Barcelona. 

In this talk he recalls having to write a ‘just-in-case’ letter to his family and more particularly his 4 sons should he not survive his next military mission. ‘It took me 10 years to write this letter, Alden explains in his talk - a letter with a theme to go after your dreams, reminding them their life is up to them and their dreams come with a dark side where you don’t know if you can really do it. Go after the dreams that push you outside your comfort zone and allow you to take some risks.” 

Now correct me if I am wrong Alden, but I think this letter and the message it carried for your sons basically set you off on writing more about how we can all become Unstoppable, am I correct? 

Find out more about Alden and his books on his website: