Oct 27, 2022
Happy Thursday all and welcome to our very first Audio
Aficionado Episode.
So different to our Messy & Masterful Interviews these
conversations are all about the power of Audio and more
particularly podcasting.
We dive into other podcast programs together with people who are
doing something great and also have been inspired by this mighty
tool of the Gods of Audio.
And today my guest is Drew Vernon, the creator of 2 podcasts
himself, and an Audio Aficionado in the purest sense of the word.
This undoubtedly loving husband and father of 3 is also a Marketing
Director at Tonies which is an audio company that produces the
Toniebox which are incredible devices that have the power to
generate any story your kid wants to hear.
Drew is a great guy, an inspiring Podcaster and just like us a
devotee to improving the state of Education in this world - could
not have asked for a better guest to launch our first Audio
Aficionado interview with.
Hope you will enjoy it!
Drew's podcast recommendation: Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin
Drew and daughter Audrey's podcast: Childhood
Drew's podcast for toniesĀ® called Tonie Time