Jun 30, 2021
Fred Matser is the Founder of the Fred Foundation and has been professionally helping others for over 40 years. We look back at his work and talk about his documentary 'Beyond Me'.
You can watch Fred's documentary and find out more about his book here: https://www.beyondmedocumentary.org/en/
Guest Introduction:
Fred has made it his life’s work to help.
Over the past 40 years he has been involved in helping people grow their projects, organisations, initiatives and social impact companies to change this world for the better.
Healthcare, Education, Environment, Climate Change, Peace Building – there is no subject that Fred and his organisation the Fred Foundation have not touched.
And the list of those he has supported throughout the years is endless
Mentioning all of their names (Red Cross, Jane Goodall Institute, Malaria No More, The Chopra Foundation, Green Cross, WNF and hundreds, hundreds more) would take us a podcast in and of itself.
So we won’t do that.
What I find more fascinating is how Fred helps .
Because when you take a closer look at all the beautiful things that have come into existence because of Fred Matser, I see one thing clearly come to the forefront: Personal Ignition.
Fred’s support (financial, advisory and operational) allows great social entrepreneurs not only to start building on their ideas but also ensures that they will thrive and become sustainable.
The Fred Foundation does not only look at the ideas but also clearly at the person who has them and how he/she should be assisted to thrive.
Understanding the person is core to Fred’s approach and philosophy.
Even though you will always discover elements of Fred’s business background, running one of the biggest commercial real estate development companies in the Netherlands, he will make it a priority to genuinely get to know the person.
It is almost like that through helping, Fred is on a quest to understand us human beings in the most profound sense of the word.
And I am so happy that after 40 years of practical research he has now made it a priority to share many of his observations to ensure that any support, assistance or aid will have genuine long lasting effects.
“Let’s try to compare with care in order to share with care“ - he says in the beautifully made documentaryBeyond Me that was launched just last May.
I have the great privilege of knowing Fred already for more than a decade and have to say that engaging and debating with him is an exceptional experience and a beautiful journey.
Many have praised Fred but I think the former Soviet leader Mihail Gorbachev says it the best and the simplest when saying that:
“Fred is a man with a big and open heart. He is making the world better”
Fred welcome!