Sep 1, 2022
We live in an era of absolute information overload. I am sure you are aware but there is so much content to find out there.
Visually you have your pictures, videos, reels and images all
over our social media.
Audibly you have your audiobooks, Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse
meetings and yes also Podcasts.
Now when we started the TeachPitch Podcast little over 1 year ago
we did it to highlight the hard work of people who have achieved
great things in their own right. Now more than anything I was set
on making it clear to our listeners that yes our guests have
achieved great success but no this did not happen automatically.
Each and everyone of my guests have been through hardships,
challenges and needed to overcome huge obstacles to get where they
are today. From the President to the Trauma Surgeon,
from the CIA Spy to the Psychologist - the deep adversity rimed
with their great accomplishment is everywhere.
Now some of you might know that our Podcast is born out of a
community of educators that wanted to realize change.
And the change they all want to see is all focussed on improving
the global state of education. Now if you were to go to and sign up you will see that we have curated loads
of content (over quarter of a million resources to date) that we
all brought together in a big online library - ready to use for
educators who are keen to improve the situation in their community,
classroom or school.
I am happy to say that this library is being used by over 62,000
people from over 200 countries to date and it is for those people
that we originally developed this program.
Our community is very active and I was overjoyed to see that its
members also started to help and train one another by creating
tutorials and reviews on great educational content and technology
they were using - leaving very useful manuals for their
Now to make a long story short - with our Podcast we want to extend
our line of thinking not only on the platform but also in this
This is why we are building a community of Audio Aficionados that
will help us to review great Podcast shows, Episodes, hosts and
guests out there.
If you like to listen to Podcasts like I do, you are bound to have
your favorites and I want to hear all about them. We want to know
from you from the over 1 million of podcasts that are already out
there which one we should listen to. We love it that you are
listening to us but the last thing we want is to just be dropping
content without being aware of the other great Podcast Episodes
that are being made all over the world.
So if you are listening to this and want our growing community to
know more about your favorite podcast (or even the opposite -
perhaps you hate a certain show and want the world to know as well)
get in touch with us via our show notes or social media
and together we can make an excellent Audio Aficionado
Episode about it that will change this world
Very exciting!! In the next Audio Aficionado Episodes I will surely
be talking about the shows that have inspired me. Some of them, I
dare to say, have changed my entire outlook on life and I cannot
wait to share it with you!